Project Assistant Intern at UK RESEARCH OFFICE. Brussels, Belgium. Work and Travel in Central EUROPE. Apply

Anonymous | 10:26 PM | 0 comments

The UK RESEARCH OFFICE company located at Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Bruxelles looks for Admistrative assistant (m/w)

The Administrative Assistant will play a key role in the work of the Office. This involves responsibility for a wide range of tasks, ensuring the smooth running of the Office and the supply of information to subscribing organisations, including:
• Management of e-mail distribution lists, contacts databases and distribution of Office publications and invitations.
• Production of e-mail information articles on funding opportunities for subscribers and sponsors;
• Acting as receptionist, involving managing the switchboard and general Office inbox and responding to general enquires;
• Managing the Office’s meeting room, which is often used by member organisations, involving managing room bookings, setting up the room, organising catering and dealing with visitors’ requests;
• Arranging payment of bills and preparation of monthly statement of finances;
• Assistance in the organisation of external training events;
• In association with the Office Manager, liaison with local and UK-based suppliers of services to the Office (travel, stationery, cleaners, caterers, printers, training providers etc);
• Providing cover for the Office Manager and IT and Administrative Assistant as required, for example during their leave periods; and
• Assisting in other Office activities, such as the organisation of events, general administrative tasks and contribution to office-wide projects as required, if required to do so;
• The work will involve occasional travel to the UK.

UKRO is seeking someone with the following skills and experience:

• Work experience in relevant areas.

General intelligence
• Good time-keeping, organisational skills and time management;
• The ability to balance a range of competing demands and to work under pressure within a team;
• Detail-oriented.

Special Skills
• Fluent English and excellent spoken and written Dutch or French; and
• Excellent written and oral communication skills;
• Ability to work independently and as a member of a team;
• Well developed office IT skills, preferably familiar with MS Office. Experience of word processing, e-mail and web editing and use of databases and spreadsheets would be particularly advantageous;
• Experience of processing invoices and book keeping would also be advantageous.
The Administrative Assistant will be employed on the A2(L) grade of the British Embassy Locally Engaged Staff Scales.

It is expected that the successful applicant will be appointed at the first point of the salary range, currently €1,399.09 per calendar month (which is 60% of full-time salary). However, a higher salary may be available for more experienced candidates. The salary will be paid in Belgium, through a local payroll provider contracted by BBSRC, and will be subject to the usual Belgian tax and social security payments. The post holder will also be entitled to holiday pay and end of year bonus as provided by Belgian labour legislation.
UKRO/BBSRC also participates in a voluntary Group Insurance scheme for pensions for the benefit of its employees.
The annual leave allowance for this post is 15 days with pay per calendar year. This allowance is in addition to public and generous privilege holidays.

Interested ? 
Please apply by sending your CV, together with a cover letter outlining your suitability for the post, to the UKRO Director. Please note both the CV and cover letter should be in English, the working language of the Office.

By email to:

Please state UKRO Administrative Assistant in the subject line of your email.

For an informal discussion concerning this post, please contact Emma Carey, UKRO Deputy Director, telephone 02 289 61 25 or email

The final deadline for applications is Monday 5 January 2015.

We regret that only candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
